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- «c1»By Slummy/Spaceballs and Zerox/Gods«»
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- «as»«c7»You were perhaps shocked when you noticed that the 4k intro called «c6»King Of Fuck «c7»was
- created by the two famous norwegian self-declared rival teams, «c6»Ephidrena and
- Spaceballs «c7»in cooperation. But for those that don't really know, the
- competition between the groups is quite friendly. Spaceballs usually wins
- all the competitions in Norway (like the Gathering and Kindergarden
- parties), but Ephidrena makes the best impression at the foreign parties.
- In any case, the groups decided to «c6»unite their power «c7»to beat the PC intros
- at the Assembly party. «c6»Slummy/Spaceballs «c7»coded some effects, while
- «c6»Loaderror/Ephidrena «c7»coded a musicsystem and composed some music. The
- result: King Of Fuck. The intro which isn't even 4k came second in the
- competition at the Assembly party, only beaten by another great 4k intro.
- That was Humus2 by Exploder. Read the review elsewhere in D.I.S.C. It's at
- least certain that Slummy and Loaderror achieved their goals by smashing
- all the PC intros.«»
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- Now lets hear what «c6»Slummy «c7»tells about the making of «c6»King Of Fuck.«»
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- «c7»"I travelled together with Ephidrena to MekkaSymposium 2001 and on the
- ferry from Sweden to Germany I came up with the idea of a «c6»4k-cooperation
- «c7»where Loaderror would make the music using his «c6»soundsystem «c7»and I would code
- the «c6»effects. «c7»Originally we planned to just throw something together at
- Mekka, but as Loaderror was working his ass of with their demo and I was
- rolling around in garbage most of the time, the project was postponed.
- After that nothing happened untill Loaderror and I had some beers together
- in Oslo in July and decided that it'd be fun to release it at Assembly and
- «c6»kick some pc-ass in the combined compo. «c7»Loaderror started on the music, and
- one week before assembly I received the finished music and discovered that
- I didn't have a clue about what kind of effects to put in the intro.
- "Normal" work combined with a total lack of inspiration made progress slow
- during the next days, but finally I had a «c6»z-buffered sphere-mapper «c7»and a
- sizeoptimized version of my «c6»radialblur-routine. «c7»Two days before the
- deadline I started to link everything together and also included a «c6»rotzoom
- «c7»and a small «c6»fractalgenerator. «c7»These four routines were then combined in all
- possible ways for the different parts. For a while it seemed like I wasn't
- going to get it finished in time, but thanks to flexible organizers (and
- drunk sceners like Leia, Arcane and Loaderror who phoned me up from Finland
- in the middle of the night shouting gibberish) everything worked out in the
- end.".«»
- «»
- And there you have it, «c6»a cool 4k intro. «c7»If you haven't seen it already,
- I'm sure you can download it from the «c6»Spaceballs homepage!«»
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